How to create a silhouette photo of a camera
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
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Silhouette often look beautiful even though you will
not know how the original texture of the object.
Currently silhouette became one of the genre
photography are quite popular. But you already know
about the tips and how to create a silhouette photo of a camera without editing original?
Basically, the camera lens is almost similar to our
eyes. When there is a significant difference between
the reflection of light on the front of the main object
image with the background, that's where the most
likely occur silhouette effect. Or simply, when you
look to the front and saw a great light in your direction and no light toward the front, and there is an object in
front of you then that is where the effect will occur
So in order to produce a perfect silhouette, the light
from the back of the object to be light so that objects
only dark black only. However not everyone wants a
perfect silhouette, depending on the wishes.
Unfortunately, today many people are making
artificial silhouette photograph with digital imaging or can be not original result of 'shots' camera. Well, the
article below we will give tips and how to easily
create original silhouette photo of a camera, any
camera that you both DSLR, Pocket, Mobile and others.
Check out more about how to create a silhouette photo below:
Determining the Right Time Results
Do you believe that when the Sunrise and Sunset is the
best moment and eagerly awaited by the
photographer? Besides being able to display the
beauty of the sky and the sun, it turns out Sunrise and
Sunset can be utilized to create a silhouette photo. At
the moment, the sun is at the horizon around or slightly above the horizon in the east (Sunrise) and the
western part (Sunset).
In the language of the moment photography is often
called the Golden Hour and strong sunlight is able to
give a silhouette effect on the object of our pictures.
That's why when you search on Google silhouette
picture largely done in the afternoon. So the tips first,
you should shoot in the morning or afternoon.
Place the object in the Front Light
Tips This is certainly a basic tips make a silhouette
photo. By placing an object right in front of
(approximately) light will make the object is dark. If
otherwise, then instead silhouette that will be
obtained, but the usual photo with visible object.
Silhouette Requires Flash
Save your external flash or close immediately the
built-in flash on the camera, you do not need it. By
using the flash will only make objects become
brighter and eventually no effect silhouette.
Objects form Must Clear and Attractive
With a dark object, then the people will know the
silhouette of a shape. But if the form is not visible, then
it becomes less attractive silhouette. Often the human
silhouette photo attractive when combined with style
Levitation or jump, or people who are clearly visible
activities. Not necessarily always human, you can explore with various objects such as animals,
buildings, trees, towers and various objects with clear
shapes. Of course, here the idea and imagination are
needed, rather than just relying on technique.
Photography Triangle settings
Silhouette looks like it better with the sharpness of the
overall frame. You do not need bokeh and other
effects that create a picture is not good. Aperture
setting can be set on the number f / 8, f / 10 or so
depending on the circumstances.
In addition, if the object is doing movement and do
Levitation and leap, make sure you use a high shutter
speed. Figures 1/160 s, 1/200 s, or if possible until
1/1000 S seconds to make it freeze during the lighting
is still possible. High ISO is not necessary because of
the strength of the light from background objects is sufficient and does not require illumination. Use
Manual mode is recommended, but Aperture Priority
and Shutter Priority can also be used during the flash
turned off.
Use of Artificial Light
In addition to utilizing the strong light of the sun, you
also can make the silhouette by utilizing flash. Is It
True? not above it is clear that the flash does not need
to be used. If the flash is faced towards the object is
definitely prohibited, but if the object is placed on the
back of the course can be. You can use the technique Strobist (flash off camera), ie the use of flash without
on the camera.
How to use an external flash is placed on the back of
the object. Of course the trigger needed to trigger
flash when shutter is pressed. Silhouette with flash
would normally make sharp turns on the outskirts of
the object. Similarly, some basic tips make the
silhouette photo. Keep trying and do not be afraid to fail.
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